tonight caleb and i played a round of...

my favorite game :)
two people can play...
or as many as six people can play if you have the extension pack; which we do, since we are settlers enthusiasts...
i was introduced to the game YEARS ago...
in sweden; my favorite country, for obvious reasons... ;)

(granberget, sweden - where caleb proposed June 2008 - obviously it was much warmer!)
then my mormor (she's awesome, read this post) and morfar bought us (my brothers and me) the game for christmas one year...
not long after we got the game, i visited my friends shannon and mark and THEY pulled out settlers...
and then i bought the game for caleb for his birthday...
and now that we're married, we play it on date nights IN; we have a blast; i usually WIN
because i'm competitive like that...
and sneaky...
and because he's wicked good at RISK, he thinks he'll dominate at SETTLERS, and then i sneak up, and win the game... most of the time...
but i still love him, because we have fun playing, and occasionally he does win...
check out the game... you can get it here and i'm sure other places...
but make sure you get the expansion pack... if you ever think you'll play with more than 4 people...
oh, and happy settling.

my favorite game :)
two people can play...
or as many as six people can play if you have the extension pack; which we do, since we are settlers enthusiasts...
i was introduced to the game YEARS ago...
in sweden; my favorite country, for obvious reasons... ;)

(granberget, sweden - where caleb proposed June 2008 - obviously it was much warmer!)
then my mormor (she's awesome, read this post) and morfar bought us (my brothers and me) the game for christmas one year...
not long after we got the game, i visited my friends shannon and mark and THEY pulled out settlers...
and then i bought the game for caleb for his birthday...
and now that we're married, we play it on date nights IN; we have a blast; i usually WIN
because i'm competitive like that...
and sneaky...
and because he's wicked good at RISK, he thinks he'll dominate at SETTLERS, and then i sneak up, and win the game... most of the time...
but i still love him, because we have fun playing, and occasionally he does win...
check out the game... you can get it here and i'm sure other places...
but make sure you get the expansion pack... if you ever think you'll play with more than 4 people...
oh, and happy settling.
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